Scholarship Application

If you are interested in applying for financial aid for a Camp SCRAP or SCRAP at School session, please complete the following form. Applications are reviewed and SCRAP will contact you with the status of your application. This application is not a registration for camp. Complete the application as soon as possible as scholarship spots are limited. Please contact with questions. 

First Name:
Last Name`:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Child's First Name:
Child's Last Name:
Child's Age (Children 6-12 eligible for SCRAP's Programming):
Your Relationship to Child:
Estimated Gross Family Income:
Number of Adults in your Family:
Number of Children in your Family:
Do you receive other Finacial assistance? If so, please list. (e.g. free or reduced meals, food stamps):
Why would like to be considered for a scholarship opportunity?:
Are you applying for a half or quarter scholarship?:
What Program are you applying for Scholarship for?:
Which season of Camp SCRAP would you like your child to attend?:
Have you received scholarship funds from SCRAP before?:
If Yes, When?:
How did you hear about our scholarship program?:


We count on your generosity as an individual, foundation, corporate sponsor, or partner.

You feel the creative, environmental, and educational love from SCRAP. You return the love by adding to our resources so we can share with others. It becomes a circle of love that keeps giving – to you, to us, and to the entire community.